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Fight your anxiety and depression

Several foods and supplements can help ease anxiety and depression symptoms. By exchanging processed and sugary foods with complex carbohydrates, such as grains and vegetables, individuals suffering from depression may significantly improve their mood. A healthy diet can reduce brain inflammation, essential for improving brain cell functions and reducing anxiety and depression symptoms.

Omega-3 fatty acids can lower the incidence of depression by making the membranes surrounding brain cells more flexible and able to absorb nutrients, which is essential for boosting mood. Eating two or three fish meals a week or taking a supplement of 3,000 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids, divided into two daily doses, is recommended.

Fiber is essential for bowel movements, and having fewer bowel movements a week can cause toxins in the stool to get reabsorbed into the body and trigger depression and other mood changes. Thirty more grams of fiber daily is ideal; those who mainly eat plant foods automatically get enough fiber.

Multi supplements can change your mood by providing essential micronutrients, including Selenium, Magnesium, and B-Vitamins. A study found that those who consume selenium have significant mood improvements once taking the daily supplement recommendation. Magnesium is particularly crucial for mood, and it benefits the production of serotonin, increasing when people take prescription antidepressants.

S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) releases a methyl molecule in the body and helps produce dopamine and serotonin, significantly relieving depression symptoms better than a placebo and sometimes as well as prescription drugs. Taking SAMe for several weeks or months is helpful for those with depression after dietary changes, stress reduction techniques, and exercises fail to improve their symptoms.

Tryptophan and 5HTP increase the body's production of serotonin, which supports falling asleep more naturally, especially once insomnia or disturbed sleep worsens depression. Taking 500 mg of tryptophan at bedtime or 50 mg to 100 mg of 5HTP twice daily is recommended.

Probiotics help balance the friendly bacteria in your digestive system, promoting energy production within cells, simplifying the synthesis of B vitamins and other nutrients, and improving digestive health, essential for people with depression who have lower-than-expected levels of probiotic organisms. One to two capsules daily of a supplement that provides two to three billion organisms is recommended.

Food sensitivity can also cause depression, and individuals sensitive to one or more foods that can trigger depression should eliminate these foods, including gluten, milk, other dairy products, eggs, soy, and sugar. They should take notes, track their diet, note any symptoms of their feelings, and determine whether their energy has increased or decreased. After a few weeks, they may re-ingest the foods one at a time to see how they feel.

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